September  6, 2016

Welcome back students and families!

I am pleased to begin our 2016/2017 school year with you here at St. Andrew’s.

You will find a number of very important items in your first day package that require your immediate attention.  Thank you in advance for taking the time to read through these materials together with your child.

First Day Procedures:

Students will learn their classes and receive timetables after the beginning of the first day of school.

Students are asked to arrive at the school, and wait on the tarmac at the back of the school.  At 8:20 students will begin to enter by the Gym (Grade 8) and Portable (Grade 6 & 7) doors.  Students are asked to look for their grade level sign, being held by a staff member to know where to gather and enter the gym.

Students will be part of a Welcome assembly, and orientation activities throughout the day.

Orientation Activities:

During the first week of school, students will participate in additional orientation activities and diagnostic assessments leading up to the second week kick off into academics.  Students will follow their regular timetables beginning on September 6, and will meet all of their teachers by Monday, September 12.


Students will be participating in a number of learning activities throughout the year, many times including technology.  Students are asked NOT to bring personal technology to school until their teacher has completed a tech agreement for the classroom.  As parents you will be asked to give permission for your child to bring a personal device (excluding cell phones and iPods) to school for learning if this is the case.

Personal Cellular Phones and iPods (or similar devices) will not be permitted during the school day.  Students will be expected to either leave these devices at home, or in their locker.  Technology will be made available where necessary for learning, and in order to protect the focus of the classroom cellular phones will not be used in the class.

Parents are able to be in touch with children at any time by calling the school main office.  In addition, students will be able to be in touch with parents if necessary.  The school phone number remains unchanged: 519-621-7170

School Day is here!

Parents, please sign up as soon as possible to have access to the school email system through School-Day.  The information card is included in your first day package.

You will receive updates regarding daily announcements and trips, assignments, and even payments online!

Meet the Teacher:

Finally, you are invited to our Meet the Teacher BBQ and open house on Wednesday September 14.

The BBQ will begin at 6:30pm at the back of the school.

Todd’s Dogs will be providing hotdogs, chips, and a drink for $5 per person on the evening of the event.

On behalf of the staff here at St. Andrew’s, and am pleased to welcome you to St. Andrew’s.  We look forward to a successful year again this year!

See you September 6!

Tatania Stroud

Principal, St. Andrew’s School