WRDSB Observes National Day of Remembrance

To mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, flags on all Ontario government buildings across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, December 6, 2014. The education centre, and schools will lower their flags at close of business on Friday, December 5, 2014 and return them […]

St. Andrew’s Day Celebration

St  Andrew’s Day celebrations on Monday, December 1.  Don’t forget your kilt!

It’s We Day in Waterloo Region

You can watch the event live: http://www.weday.com/watch/

Read more about It’s We Day in Waterloo Region »

Parent Workshop: Building a Positive Digital Footprint with Your Child

Please join us as we welcome Royan Lee, educator and curriculum consultant for York Region District School Board, who will show parents/guardians how students can build and maintain a positive digital footprint. November 20, 2014 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. St. Andrew’s PS  library Building a Positive Digital Footprint with your Child Refreshments served and many […]


St. Andrew’s School Council has chosen MacMillan’s for the second fundraiser of the year.  Funds raised will be used to support school initiatives that benefit all students.  Your participation is completely voluntary and always appreciated. All orders and money are due back at the school by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. The delivery of your orders will be […]

Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop

Please click the following link for information about a parenting workshop. Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop Flyer 2014

Elementary Progress Report/Parent-Teacher Interviews

The Elementary Progress Report Card will be going home on November 3.  You will receive a copy of the Elementary Progress Report Parent/Guardian Guide along with the Report.  It is attached here for

Welcome to Mrs. Webster!

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Christy Webster will be joining us as our new Vice-Principal (and newest Spartan) at St. Andrew’s School starting on Tuesday, October 14.  Welcome Mrs. Webster!

Congratulations Mrs. Schmid!

We are very excited to announce Mrs. Schmid’s appointment to Smithson Public School.  Congratulations Principal Schmid!!  We will miss you and wish you all the best in your new school!

We “filled our shoes” and raised over $1800!

Our “Big Shoes to Fill” campaign for Terry Fox was a huge success! Not only did we participate in our annual Terry Fox walk , we also tallied the result of our fundraising campaign and discovered we beat our goal, raising more than $1800 for cancer research. Wow!! Celebrations continued with an assembly after our walk […]

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